Reclaim your creative life in a too-busy world with…

The Unicorn Space Book Club + Workshop Series

A 3-session container that helps you:

find time for yourself +

discover what lights you up 

Hosted by Amelia Pleasant Kennedy, A Pleasant Solution & Catherine Bailey, Think or Blue

Most days it's a careful juggling act...

... to keep all the plates spinning at home. And YOU are often the glue holding everything together.

It works okay most of the time, but at the end of the day, you flop onto the couch & scroll, too tired to do much else. 

How on earth would you find time for yourself at the end of a busy day?

“Creative fulfillment” is pretty low on the list.

And yet, after you’ve signed your kids up for dance lessons, the soccer team, or a birthday party at a clay studio, you think… hmmm, it would be kinda nice if I had something fun just for me.

Imagine if...

you had more time for yourself?

And more time for fun, friendship & creativity?

After the Unicorn Space Book Club & Workshop Series, you’ll:

  • Have tools to handle the gnawing guilt that pops up whenever you want to spend time without your fam

  • Say farewell to the shame that arises when you admit you just want a little time alone!

  • Learn what the heck “Unicorn Space” IS. And why every single person needs it.

  • Have practical solutions to use your values, interests & curiosity to find YOUR Unicorn Space

Meet your guides

Catherine Bailey is a coach, consultant, and certified Fair Play facilitator.

As the founder of Think or Blue, she is passionate about all things gender equity.

She supports caregivers to use feminist parenting strategies to raise children beyond outdated gender norms and model more equitable roles in the household.

In 2023, Catherine committed fully to Unicorn Space - a journey that has led her to tap dancing + podcasting for fun!  She’s so excited to bring creative fulfillment to more people.

Amelia Pleasant Kennedy is a Certified Life Coach, Professional Organizer, Fair Play Facilitator, and the founder of A Pleasant Solution.

As a Clutter Coach she helps folks who are frazzled, busy, and overworked uncover the root cause of the clutter in their lives. With a keen ability to listen for what goes unsaid, Amelia coaches from a space of total curiosity and non-judgment so that clients build a deep sense of self-trust.

Amelia’s Unicorn Space is podcasting, as well as glorious amounts of time spent looking at visual art + wandering through nature. She loves having meaningful conversations with others and hopes this includes you!

Student Package

  • 6 weeks of live lessons & recordings

  • 6 weeks of group discussion, exercises + group coaching

  • Children's book lists on gender norms & body image curated by Catherine

  • 365 Days of Feminist Parenting Tips

Option 2: Scholar Package

  • Everything in the student package, PLUS:

  • 1 hour of 1:1 coaching with Catherine, scheduled in May or June

  • Body Confident Kids course ($  value)

  • Immersive Play course ($69 value)

  • Body Respect Booster Bunde ($-- value)

The details...

  • Dates: Wednesdays, July 17, July 31, and August 14, 7:00-8:00pm ET

  • Location: virtual (Zoom)

  • Format: learning, reflection, discussion, activities, Q&A, and coaching

  • Cost: $75 total

What to expect...

A supportive group container to add balance, richness & fulfillment to your life

Session 1: The Permissions: Learn how to give yourself permission to be unavailable, to burn down guilt + shame, and use your voice.

You’ll get clarity on your “why” and learn how to make “me time” non-negotiable.

Session 2: Values-Based Exploration:

“I used to be interesting, but now when I get an hour to myself, all I can think to do is clean out the closet or nap.”  

“I don’t really have any hobbies anymore. How would I know what to do?”

In this session, you’ll learn how to identify a pursuit through exercises that will unleash your brain juices & creativity! 

Session 3: How & When: Amelia and Catherine will help you identify any potential barriers to your Unicorn Space & take small steps to ensure that you’ll actually follow through. 


What if I can’t attend all three sessions?

As parents and business owners with full lives, we get it. Life happens. We won’t have replays available because we believe the best magic happens together & our shared intention is to support you to begin carving time out for yourself. But if you miss a session, you will still get a ton of value out of showing up to the other evenings to make progress on your goals.

Do I have to read the book?

Unicorn Space is a book written by Eve Rodsky that is revolutionary and inspiring. We encourage you to read it if you’re able! But no, it’s not required in order to join the group. In fact, we know that required reading might hold you back from attending. So if you’ve only popped in your earbuds to listen to the first chapter, come anyway! 

Are there refunds available?

We are able to provide refunds up until July 13, 2024. We are both small business owners and appreciate your understanding.

How long do I have to decide?

Registration closes on July 15, or whenever the spots are filled!

Creativity is not optional. 

We’re here to help you with the HOW, WHEN & WHERE

Get ready to unleash your special gifts + talents into the world!

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